Economic DevelopmentHealth Employee health insurance a top issue for small businesses Emily RichardsonDecember 6, 2019
Education & WorkforceHealth NAU expands nursing programs to serve more students Graham BoschNovember 26, 2019
Government & PoliticsHealth Experts: Health care ballot initiative from out-of-state labor union likely to increase patient costs Graham BoschOctober 17, 2019
Health Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona addresses mental health provider shortage Emily RichardsonJune 28, 2019
HealthVideo Top-ranking Phoenix Children’s Hospital opening new cardiovascular intensive care unit Graham BoschJune 26, 2019
HealthTechnology SpotRx launches automated pharmacy vending machines in southern Arizona rec centers Graham BoschJune 13, 2019
Health Health care innovators bringing better medical access to Arizonans through technology Graham BoschJune 12, 2019
TechnologyVideo Intel Capital announces $117 million of new investments in 14 ‘disruptive’ tech startups Graham BoschApril 16, 2019
HealthTechnology Tempe-based medical tech startup improving recovery for brain tumor patients Graham BoschApril 8, 2019
Economic DevelopmentHealth Arizona Health Care Association launches career path website Emily RichardsonApril 2, 2019