The Arizona Chamber of Commerce & Industry and President and CEO Danny Seiden were recently honored by the Common Sense Institute Arizona with the group’s Champion of Prosperity Award, which signifies a person or organization’s dedication to promoting job creation and economic freedom.
“There is no more effective voice at the Arizona Capitol on behalf of the business community and nobody fights harder to ensure that Arizona has the best economy in the country,” said Katie Ratlief, executive director of CSI Arizona, speaking of Seiden’s dedication and hard work towards these ideals.
Seiden has been in his role since 2021, during which time he has helped make several positive contributions to the Arizona business community.
“He wants us to have a free market, not for itself, but because it will lift people out of poverty, it will give people a better life,” attorney and Chamber board member Steve Twist said of Seiden during a video presentation at last week’s award ceremony at the Arizona Biltmore.
The Champion for Prosperity award is granted to an organization that consistently engages in public policy discussions, guiding policymakers toward solutions that promote principles of the free enterprise system, opportunity, and prosperity.
“We want to be globally competitive, we want people to come here and know they have the best tax environment, best regulatory environment, that this is a place they can come and have school choice, where parents can decide where their kids go to school. The best place to live, work, retire, and get an education,” Seiden said about why he is devoted to making Arizona prosper.
Others receiving awards at the luncheon were Maricopa County Attorney Rachel Mitchell and Phoenix City Councilman Kevin Robinson, who received the Visionary for the Future Award, T. Scott Martin, the chairman of CSI Arizona, who received the Free Enterprise Trailblazer Award, and former Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey, who was honored with the Free Enterprise Legacy Award.
In accepting the award Ducey shared his thoughts in an on-stage interview about the accomplishments of his administration during his eight years as governor, which included major tax reforms, an expansion of school choice, and significant job growth.
CSI Arizona is the sister organization of CSI Colorado, which was founded in Colorado in 2010 as the Common Sense Policy Roundtable. The organizations aim to examine the financial effects of policies, initiatives, and prospective laws. Their goal is to provide Arizonans with thorough insights into issues affecting their lives. Utilizing robust research methods and adaptive models, CSI Arizona assesses how these measures might influence the Arizona economy and individual prospects.
The Common Sense Institute is devoted to promoting:
- Free Enterprise
- Economic Vitality
- Individual Opportunity
- Dynamic Research
- Non-Partisanship
CSI Colorado expanded to Arizona in 2022. At the event, Ratlief announced CSI would be opening new chapters in the coming year in Iowa and Oregon.
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