Since Doug Ducey became governor of Arizona in January 2015, Arizona’s private sector grew by over half a million jobs, according to an announcement from the Governor’s Office and a report by the Arizona Office of Economic Opportunity.
Over the eight years of Ducey’s administration, which ended Monday, Arizona was a national leader in employment statistics, ranking fourth in rate of job growth and sixth in total jobs added. In that same time period, Arizona witnessed the fastest decline of poverty in the country, with nearly 220,000 fewer people in poverty since Ducey took office.
Ducey reflected on his accomplishments and focused on the workers and business leaders who helped make that possible. “The engine of our economic growth has always been our people,” he said. “Today, Arizonans have access to abundant jobs as well as the opportunity to work in good-paying industries with the potential for advancement.”
These industries include high-tech manufacturing in semiconductors, advanced battery manufacturing and electric vehicles. In the last year alone, Arizona added 15,000 manufacturing jobs, the fastest growth rate in the country.
The opening of TSMC’s new chip factory in north Phoenix earlier this month was a prime example of Arizona’s leadership in job creation. In attendance were President Joe Biden, TSMC Chairman Dr. Mark Liu, Apple CEO Tim Cook, Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego, Arizona Chamber of Commerce & Industry President and CEO Danny Seiden and many other local and national leaders in business and politics.
TSMC recently announced it would open a second facility, nearly tripling its investment in the state from $12 billion to $40 billion. The semiconductor company is now expected to create 4,500 jobs, which will be supplemented by suppliers such as Applied Materials and KPCT Advanced Chemicals that are seeking to be closer to the new fabs.
“The legacy of this project can’t be understated,” Ducey said. “Not only will it create thousands of jobs, it has positioned Arizona as a global leader for state-of-the-art semiconductor manufacturing operations.
Business growth has been another key success of Ducey’s administration with nearly 20,000 enterprises added since he became governor. Ducey’s interest in this issue has not faded, with him launching Arizona Business One Stop just last month to support entrepreneurs in their ambitions.
Arizona Business One Stop is an online portal that seeks to streamline the process of starting and growing a business in Arizona. The site brings together the work of multiple agencies, including the Arizona Corporation Commission and the Arizona Commerce Authority, to offer guided checklists, cost estimators, and an easier application process for new business owners.
Because of investments like these, Arizona has performed well on many economic indicators, ranking as the 5th best state in the country for hiring workers according to a recent study. In a farewell address, Ducey called attention to the progress which Arizona has made since he became governor.
“We are the new epicenter for semiconductors and high-tech manufacturing, we streamlined our government and we have the lowest flat tax in the nation,” Ducey said. “There’s an old Boy Scout motto: Leave the place better than you found it. Arizona, I can say with confidence that together we’ve done just that.”
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