Complete this 5-minute survey to let us know how your business has been impacted and important considerations for reopening.
The COVID-19 pandemic has sent shockwaves through the lives of individuals and industries across the world. The pandemic has brought challenges that we have not seen in our lifetime, both personally and professionally, threatening lives and livelihoods. While public health numbers have rightfully dominated the conversation, the health of our economy should not be ignored.
With businesses shuttered or severely reduced by COVID-19, almost 350,000 Arizonans have filed for unemployment over the last four weeks, with 132,000 applying in a single week. To provide some perspective, during the height of the Great Recession in 2009 the previous weekly record of new applications was just over 11,000.
The current situation we are facing is unprecedented and it’s clear Arizona’s economy cannot be sidelined indefinitely without devastating long-term ramifications. Arizona’s business community must begin planning now to determine how to safely and successfully begin to re-open our economy and find our new normal.
In order to plan our economic future, we need to hear directly from Arizona’s impacted businesses. How can policymakers help position your business to rebound from the pandemic? What combination of public health and economic measures should be considered to restart the economy and create the “new normal” for Arizona’s future economy?
The plan for our economic future will take a team effort and working together with maximum information will help Arizona be successful. Please complete this 5-minute survey and spread the word to businesses across Arizona to do the same.
Courtney Coolidge is the vice president of government affairs for the Arizona Chamber of Commerce & Industry.
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