Today, Congressman Andy Biggs reintroduced a resolution in support of local “move over” laws, which require drivers to shift lanes away from pulled over officers, tow trucks, and emergency vehicles. The resolution expresses support for a “National Move Over Law Day,” ideally to be held the third Saturday in October.
Workers that must pull to the side of the highway face dangers that can often be overlooked. By yielding on the side of a freeway, officers, tow truck drivers and emergency vehicles are completely vulnerable to high-speed driving accidents.
“In 2018, more than twenty tow operators lost their lives across the country while performing roadside assistance—a devastating statistic that does not always receive the attention it deserves,” Congressman Biggs said. “These deaths, along with those of police and emergency personnel, are an enormous tragedy. I am happy to see that all fifty states have passed move over laws, and I encourage them to continue educating drivers everywhere to look out for tow truck drivers, first responders, and other people assisting on the road.”
These tragic deaths can easily be stopped, said Biggs. Local “move over” laws ensure the safety of workers who come face-to-face with danger every day. Because of the importance of this law, it has received support from countless Arizona leaders.
“We believe ‘move over’ laws are important for the safety of our first responders and Good Samaritans,” said Chris Clark, CEO of the Queen Creek Chamber of Commerce. “Moving over is a small thing we can do to keep people safe and make sure everyone makes it home at the end of the day.”
The state’s primary towing association also expressed their support for Representative Biggs and this resolution. “Representative Biggs has been and continues to be a leader on issues related to highway safety,” Executive Director of the Arizona Professional Towing and Recovery Association Angela Barrett said. “‘Move over’ laws save the lives of all first responders, including towers, throughout the country.”
“We appreciate Rep. Biggs highlighting an issue of road safety that too often goes unreported. This resolution is a timely reminder that we should all ‘move over’ when we see tow trucks and emergency vehicles assisting motorists,” Glenn Hamer, President of the Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry said.
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