Modern Studios is bringing new creative marketing and production to Tucson. Its founder credits her love for creative production and leadership skills to her 4-H involvement.
“Modern Studios is a full-service creative agency. We have marketing and advertising capabilities and all the creativity behind it. So, the graphic design, video production, audio production, web development, logos, brands- anything creative behind marketing and advertising,” Laura Levin, Modern Studios founder and CEO, said.
The firm’s new facility includes 5,000 square feet of office space and 7,000 square feet of video and photography studio space. Totaling 12,000 square feet, Modern Studios is the largest production facility in Arizona.
At age nine, Levin joined the 4-H program, which works with children and youth through experiential learning programs to help prepare them for their future endeavors.
She credits her knowledge and love of photography and videography to her experience with 4-H.
“There was the fundamental of loving seeing stuff and [deciding] how I want other people to see it. And, when you’re taking pictures that was the biggest thing,” Levin said.
Levin continued her involvement with the program when her son joined and she became a group leader.
“And really, the biggest lesson I’ve learned with 4-H, besides the photography, is leadership… So, that’s the ultimate thing even as a kid and as an adult in the 4-H program, is the leadership part and learning how to put the right people to the right task and to get stuff carried out and done,” Levin said.
Levin explained that her experience as a participant and as a leader in 4-H helped prepare her for the founding and development of Modern Studios.
Tucson may not be the first place on one’s mind when they think of a full-service creative agency, but Levin said the community and business support prove that it’s an ideal location.
“There [are] a couple places up in Phoenix, but other than that L.A. and Las Vegas would be the next closest locations. And then, from there I just started looking at ‘is there really a need in Tucson for that?’ and saw that there was and started doing all my homework and planning from there,” Levin said.
As marketing methods and expectations evolve, Modern Studios can help Southern Arizona businesses keep up with the ever changing industry.
“I think what I’m excited about is this is really putting Tucson on the map as far as a destination for film production. But, it’s also helping out with the businesses in Tucson with their commercial production and marketing and really bringing them into the new age of how marketing is done,” Levin explained.
The agency’s proximity to the University of Arizona (UA) contributes to the belief that Tucson is an ideal location.
Levin said Modern Studios sees an opportunity in building a relationship with the Film & Television Production department at UA.
“So, the idea is I’ll bring people in and train them, find interns and hopefully find some talent that we can bring on full time,” Levin said.
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