Research shows that choosing a locally owned store over a chain generates almost four times as much economic benefit for the surrounding region.
The research reported by the Institute for Local Self-Reliance found that chain retailers return an average of 14 percent of their revenue to the local economy.
But, local retailers return an average of 52 percent.
Michael Spangenberg, co-founder of State Forty Eight, understands the importance of local spending and works to maintain that value with his business.
“When you keep your money here locally it just goes so much longer,” Spangenberg said. “Why would I not want to help develop jobs and help other small businesses blossom by keeping money here?”
State Forty Eight is an Arizona-inspired and Arizona-based clothing brand that was founded in March 2013.
Spangenberg brought the clothing brand to life with Nicholas Polando, the designer, and Stephen Polando, co-founder.
“Personally, I was born and raised here so the passion to start something that represents Arizona was there… There was nothing really representing Arizona in a positive, impactful way so we had a lot of passion and just wanted to proudly go off of our hometown, really,” Spangenberg said.
While Spangenberg notes that it is common to support large chain retailers, it is important to keep local businesses in mind.
“It’s where you’re from and you want to see it grow and it will provide opportunities for others,” he said.
The State Forty Eight team’s effort to support the state’s economy represents its passion for Arizona.
“I like to think Arizona’s kind of that state of opportunity where you can start anything you put your mind to. And, I think our community is diverse and, you know, there’s something for everyone for the most part. I’m biased of course but I think Arizona is the place to be,” Spangenberg said.
State Forty Eight partners with a variety of organizations in an effort to continue its support for Arizona, improve business and help others.
Earlier this year, State Forty Eight teamed up with the Arizona Humane Society and will donate a portion of the proceeds from State Forty Eight X AZHS T-shirts to the cause.
State Forty Eight also recently partnered with OneAZ Credit Union and will sell co-branded shirts.
“It’s about supporting where we’re from and being involved in our community and OneAZ is a great organization with great values. For us to be recognized as a brand of Arizona, we need partners like OneAZ and others to help us get there,” Spangenberg said.
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